Dmitry Pahomov
"Country Aviator"
oil on canvas, 28"x 20"
Sergei Filatov
"Vintage Town"
oil on canvas, 20"x 28"
Dmitry Yakovin
"Did you pray?"
oil on canvas, 20"x 16"
Konstantin Samoilov
oil on canvas, 24"x 32"
Ilya Shenker
"The Smile"
oil on board, 17"x 17"
Vetcheslav Golovchenko
"A Letter to Unknown Woman"
oil on canvas, 19"x 25"
Yuriy Ivanov
"The Instrument of Judgment"
3D oil on canvas, 34"x
Alexander Kostetsky
oil on canvas, 20"x 28"
Elena Lesnichaya
oil on canvas, 40"x 32"
Alex Bloch
"Horse Goblin"
oil on canvas, 11" x 14"
Ilya Shenker
"Snowy Odessa"
oil on canvas, 24"x 18"
Serge Sologub
oil on canvas, 32"x 40"